Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)

"Intentional Camera Movement" (ICM) is the extension of camera shake with purpose. Exposure times are often in the range of half a second or even longer. The time is needed to move the camera in a certain way, which can be in one direction, changing directions, rotate it, zoom in or out (while the last one is in a very strict sense not ICM). 

Only few pictures work. My preferred movement is a vertical one, sometimes a horizontal. More complex movements, where the direction is changed are more difficult to manage in the short exposure time and often don't produce very clear pictures. People evolve to barely recognizable ghosts and colors become very strong (that is not photoshopped!). I feel that the pictures express a certain mood and people often spend more time looking at them, trying to decipher what the original scene was.

Also I can't help to see a bit of humor in creating this very important sounding technical term for what is essential deliberate camera shake!

Jan Radtke