How to prepare for a photo-session

There is always the question how to prepare for a photo shoot. It is important to keep in mind, that these are not fashion or beauty shots, but portraits that should show you as you are. So it is the everyday-you that we need to see. Here are some suggestions:

1.    Many of the photos will be headshots or cover the upper half of the body. So if you bring some jacket / pullover / scarf / something so that we can create a bit variety (a complete change of clothes is not necessary). Clothes should be what you usually wear. Patterns and texts e.g. on T-Shirts don’t work that well, the simpler the better.

2.    Bring sun glasses too. Always gives a cool picture. If you wear sometimes glasses and sometimes contact lenses, bring the glasses too.

3.    If you wear your hair in different styles (e.g. pigtail, open), prepare to change, again to create a greater variety in the shots. It might be useful to have a hairbrush too.

4.    When makeup is used, use it in your everyday way, nothing special. Less is usually better. (for men: feel free to not use any makeup). Any temporary skin defect I will take out in post-processing (however, permanent marks like liver spots will stay)

5.    Please consider the weather (this unreliable bastard). We will almost always stay in the shadows for the softer light. In rainy weather you might want to bring a rain jacket or umbrella.

6.    Bring stuff you want to have in the photo with you. E.g. if you have published a book, or want a photo while writing on your laptop etc.

7.    If you have any ideas about how you would like to be photographed, we can give it a try too. If easily available, a picture as example would help.

8.    If you are delayed or can´t come, please let me know as early as possible.

Otherwise: Let’s have some fun.

Jan Radtke